Monday, January 27, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
.rounded_wrapper { position: relative; } .rounded_wrapper img { border-width: 0; border-style: none; } .rounded_wrapper div { height: 7px; position: absolute; width: 100%; } .rounded_wrapper .tl { top: 0; left: 0; background: url(img/rounded_corners/tl.gif) no-repeat left top; } .rounded_wrapper .tr { top: 0; right: 0; background: url(img/rounded_corners/tr.gif) no-repeat right top; } .rounded_wrapper .br { bottom: 0; right: 0; background: url(img/rounded_corners/br.gif) no-repeat right bottom; } .rounded_wrapper .bl { bottom: 0; left: 0; background: url(img/rounded_corners/bl.gif) no-repeat left bottom; } /* IE6 fix */ .ie6_width .tr { right: -1px; } .ie6_width .br { right: -1px; } .ie6_height .br { bottom: -1px; } .ie6_height .bl { bottom: -1px; }
$('img.rounded').one('load',function () { var img = $(this); var img_width = img.width(); var img_height = img.height(); // build wrapper var wrapper = $(''); wrapper.width(img_width); wrapper.height(img_height); // move CSS properties from img to wrapper wrapper.css('float', img.css('float')); img.css('float', 'none') wrapper.css('margin-right', img.css('margin-right')); img.css('margin-right', '0') wrapper.css('margin-left', img.css('margin-left')); img.css('margin-left', '0') wrapper.css('margin-bottom', img.css('margin-bottom')); img.css('margin-bottom', '0') wrapper.css('margin-top', img.css('margin-top')); img.css('margin-top', '0') wrapper.css('display', 'block'); img.css('display', 'block') // IE6 fix (when image height or width is odd) if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == '6.0') { if(img_width % 2 != 0) { wrapper.addClass('ie6_width') } if(img_height % 2 != 0) { wrapper.addClass('ie6_height') } } // wrap image img.wrap(wrapper); // add rounded corners img.after(''); img.after(''); img.after(''); img.after(''); }).each(function(){ if(this.complete) $(this).trigger("load"); });
var persons = new DataTable(); string lastName = string.Empty; DataRow[] foundRows = persons.Select("Person_Id = 100"); if (foundRows.Length == 1) { lastName = foundRows[0]["Last_Name"].ToString(); }
now with LINQ, I have created the following method:
public static T GetFirstResultValue(DataTable table,string colToSearch, string colToReturn, TY searchValue) where TY: IComparable { T ret = default(T); IEnumerable rows = from row in table.AsEnumerable() where row.Field (colToSearch).CompareTo(searchValue) == 0 select row; if (rows.Count() == 1) { ret = (T) rows.First()[colToReturn]; } return ret; }
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