Tuesday, February 26, 2013

see this link http://clarkupdike.blogspot.com/2009/03/basic-example-of-jquerys-uidialog.html

I have looked at many examples of inserting an iframe into a jQuery UI dialog and have had little success. Then I came across this blog post describing a method that works… function showDialog(){ $("#divId").html('



jQuery(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#panelHandle').hover(function() {
            $('#sidePanel').stop(true, false).animate({
                'left': '0px'
            }, 900);
        }, function() {

        jQuery('#sidePanel').hover(function() {
            // Do nothing
        }, function() {

                left: '-201px'
            }, 800);

demo here http://jsfiddle.net/nirajmchauhan/GPdFk/ 

Open command prompts and run these commands one by one on command prompt

  • cd /d C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
  • iisreset /stop
  • aspnet_regiis -i
  • iisreset /start
  • %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction /[path='%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll'].allowed:True 
  • %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:isapiCgiRestriction /[path='%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll'].allowed:True

In this post, I will show you how to get the QueryString variable value using jQuery. I have created a function which returns value of any querystring variable.

//Code Starts
function GetQueryStringParams(sParam)
    var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1);
    var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) 
        var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
        if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) 
            return sParameterName[1];
//Code Ends 
And this is how you can use this function assuming the URL is,

var tech = GetQueryStringParams('technology');
var blog = GetQueryStringParams('blog');
 // Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an associative array.
function getUrlVars()
    var vars = [], hash;
    var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
    for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
        hash = hashes[i].split('=');
        vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
    return vars;

 var first = getUrlVars()["qid"];
